Sunday, August 28, 2022

DIY Herb Harvesting

Hello! Do you grow your own herbs? If not, you should try! I always pick up a few of my favorite kind of herbs when shopping for plants in the spring. They look nice planted with flowers or on their own!

I usually just cut off about 1/3 of my herb plants, so I don’t have a pot of dirt sitting around or a bald spot in my mixed plant pots until it grows back.

I remove any crusty leaves and give everything a couple good rinses. You can use them fresh or dry them!

To dry my herbs, I just bunch my cleaned fresh herbs together with all ends facing the same direction and wrap them in twine, as shown below.

I usually cut about 12” of twine, so I can wrap the stems a few times and make a loop for hanging.

To wrap the stems, I leave a couple inches of twine as a tail and then wrap 3-5 times around the stems until I have a couple inches left on the other end of the twine and then tie it off and knot the two ends of the twine together.



I let the fresh herbs dry out for a month or two before processing.

I already had some rosemary that had been drying. To process, I just cut the twine off and separate the leaves from the stems by rolling the stem between my fingers.

You can use a spice grinder or even a blender to make the leaves smaller or spend a few minutes with some scissors like I did here.

I dumped my freshly processed herbs into my spice jars and am good to go until my next harvest dries out!

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