Tuesday, August 30, 2022

DIY All-Purpose Cleaner

Hi friends! I have been using vinegar as my all-purpose cleaner for years. How about you? I don’t hate the smell of vinegar but let’s be real, it doesn’t smell great. So, I infuse it!

Infusing the vinegar not only makes it smell better, but depending on what you use, it can also make it much more antibacterial! I always do citrus peels and herbs in mine.

For citrus peels, you want to make sure there is no fruit on the peel, as it can make the cleaner sticky. Any citrus will work! We usually have oranges around the house, so that’s what I’m using here. You could also substitute a citrus essential oil instead of using peels.

For herbs, I used basil, thyme and sage. Not only do they add fragrance, but all of these herbs have antimicrobial effects, as do orange peels.

Once all my ingredients are in the jar, I just fill the jar up with vinegar and set it aside to infuse. I usually wait a couple weeks to use my infused vinegar, but you can wait longer or use right away.

I fill my spray bottle up halfway with my infused vinegar and halfway with distilled water. This is the perfect chemical free non-toxic all-purpose cleaner that I feel safe using around my toddler and dog!

I already had these infusing for a while. As you can see, the orange peels darken the vinegar a bit and the lemon peel doesn’t. Both smell good though!


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